We Believe!

This page provides links to the testimonies shared on Mormon.org. If you would like to have your testimony included here, please contact the webmaster.

Brian - I am Mormon because I have studied the teachings and have received a personal witness that they are true. I have many personal experiences that confirm that the course of true happiness is by following the gospel plan and know that God provides each of us with experiences to grow, to be tested, and to become more like Him. Through these experiences I know that God knows each of us personally and loves us more than we can ever possibly realize. I know that He provides moments of instruction for us and that He patiently teaches us line upon line and precept upon precept.

I am amazed at the love and patience that God has for me personally and am humbled at the plan and the path that He has created for me.

John - Since a young age, I have always felt the gospel to be true; not that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, but between what I felt and what I saw and heard from those around me, the gospel has always seemed to make sense. Before my mission, I had tested some of the doctrine and principles. While on my mission, I had experience after experience that continually strengthened my testimony of my Savior. I recall reading from the scriptures and feeling the Holy Ghost confirm that what I was reading was true. As I would share my testimony, the truth of what I shared would burn within me.

Brad - Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ truly blesses my life and I am a better person because of it. It has made me stretch and overcome challenges that we all have. I have learned that the atonement should be central to our life as it can bless us in all areas of our life. As I have applied the atonement in my life, I have felt the sweet, loving care of the Savior lead me in the right direction and help me overcome things that I could not have on my own. He wants us to live with Him again and will do all He can to assist us, if we follow Him and do His will. He was and is the perfect example for us to follow and as I do this in my own life, I feel the promptings of the Spirit leading me in truth and increasing my understanding of His teachings and the type of life I should live.