Thursday, September 22, 2011

October Group Leadership Message

I love General Conference. I look forward to the inspiring words of the Lord’s anointed with great anticipation. Like many of you, our family tries to coordinate schedules that will allow us to watch together, to plan a special breakfast, to empty our DVR, prepare journals, treats and bingo cards in order to encourage participation and get the most from each speaker. But this year I am also remembering the great guidance and direction from the words of previous conferences. As I review and ponder the topics, titles, and quotes of the past conferences I have also been forced to ask myself “How have I allowed this guidance to change and really impact my life?”.

I know these words have provided inspiration and I remember the uplifting Spirit that accompanied them. But have I allowed this inspired guidance to really sink in and make a significant impact in my life? Does part of me look forward to the upcoming conference simply so I can put previous promptings, goals and stalled intentions back on a shelf to continue on in the status quo?

In Numbers 21:8 Moses was instructed to “Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.” Unfortunately, due to pride, misunderstanding, neglect, and lack of faith, many who were afflicted by the fiery serpents neglected this simple counsel and prevented themselves from being saved and died in the desert.

I hope that I will prepare myself better so the upcoming conference will find my ears open, my heart willing, my pride subdued, and my resolve strengthened. I know that the words spoken by the prophets and other church leaders are inspired and have been sent to have a significant impact in improving our lives and I pray that we may all have the courage, strength, and resolve to make that happen and to draw closer to our loving Heavenly Father.